Death Knights are going to be a new class. And based upon the initial text, it will be a normal class. Woo!
While I love Alixander to pieces... If DKs can tank...
Death Knight.
For details, keep an eye on ;)
Civilization VII meta progression
Scouts in Civ 7 have a new ability, search, which allows them to spend
their remaining movement points to see 1 space further, and detect goodie
huts in tw...
1 day ago
Yeah... I read through a leaked FAQ and they sound interesting. As far as adding another class goes, it sounds like this is the way to do it.... unlockable content that starts at a higher level.
And a DPS/tank hybrid? Yes, please!
Sounds like a Class perfectly pitched for a Paladin. I mean Death Knights just resemble a Paladin gone mad... Arthas anyone.
Death Knight - Melee/Spells/Plate
Paladin - Melee/Spells/Plate
Yeap both Hybrids.
I know i'm dreaming of a been a Death Knight just drop the Blood Knight and bring death as a Death Knight. However Need more Info.
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