So this weekend we didn't raid. Certain key people weren't going to be there, so we called it. So when I wasn't working on keeping Heroic Pandemonius on farm status trying to get the Balance Druid robe, I was leveling Deis.
On Saturday night, I decided I'd hit up the Deadmines. So I do the prequests, get all the quests and go in to the outside "dungeon" (not actually in the instance, but still underground). I'm wandering around killing stuff waiting for my escort (lvl 70 mage = EZ mode!) when I get to a Tin Vein. Hey, cool, I need more tin to feed my pretty, pretty princess jewelery-making habit. So I mine it once, twice, and during my third mining attempt this little gnome runs up to me and says "Share". Not "Share?" or something like a question. And then he starts mining the vein!
Now, if he had said "Share?" and waited, I might have stopped and let him have it. I mean, it's not like I won't find more Tin as time goes on, or I can stop and hunt for Tin if I need it. But he just tells me "Share" (lack of a question mark makes a huge difference) and starts mining the vein I had gotten to first. Grrrrrr.
Civilization VII meta progression
Scouts in Civ 7 have a new ability, search, which allows them to spend
their remaining movement points to see 1 space further, and detect goodie
huts in tw...
23 hours ago