Holy gods! AMAZING WEEKEND! Really most of the amazing-ness was on Sunday, but the other days contributed in some way.
Friday: Did an Arcatraz run with some guildies, and got the final non-heroic piece of my pre-Karazhan item list: Elementium Band of the Sentry Woo! Beyond that, not much went down.
Saturday: Again, not much went down. Did my daily farming (will go into more detail about that in a post later today) followed by a Botanica and Mechanar run which netted me over 4,000 Sha'tar rep combined, putting me about 1,500 rep away from Exalted. *glee*
Sunday: Big day! Our first planned raid of Karazhan. But that wasn't until around 8PM. So I started off doing the daily quests for Sha'tari Skyguard and Ogri'la. After that we did a Arcatraz run. Managed to anger one of my good friends by being stupid, but we talked it out and it was all good. Afterwards we did the run and I managed to get enough rep with the Sha'tar to hit Exalted! WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Then proceeded to drop about 250~g buying the Crest of the Sha'tar, the Gavel of Pure Light, and the gems and the materials for the enchant for the Crest of the Sha'tar (two Solid Stars of Elune and a Shield Block rating enchant).
Then it was go time for Karazhan. We met up at 7:45 with a planned start time of 8 PM, but since this was our first time for raiding we probably didn't start until around 8:30ish. We did an initial push towards Attumen, and cleared to Midnight. One thing I was taught was that there is such a thing as being too cautious. But I chalk it up to that we were learning a new encounter. Technically speaking we failed our first attempt at Attumen. I don't really count it, because we didn't know that if there are any repops when you engage Midnight, they will aggro you. >.> Surprise! Anyway we promptly were destroyed. So we realized that we needed to clear that entire area before making it to Midnight.
At that point we decided to give Attumen's trash mobs enough time to completely respawn (make sure we don't kill them faster than they respawn), so we did the Servant's Quarters mobs. Again, learned that we need to kill faster. But again, not a huge deal, because we were just learning this portion of the instance. So we took about 45 minutes to kill mobs that respawn in 30-35 minutes. Another wipe, but killing those netted us enough rep to get everyone to Friendly with the Violet Eye, which got those of us who hadn't been here before the Violet Eye ring. In the end I chose the tanking ring because while it may be somewhat lacking in the crush avoidance stats, it is pretty much matchless in the stamina and armor department, at least of what I've seen it is.
Upon re-entering Kara, we saw that all the trash mobs for Attumen were completely respawned, so we powered our way through it this time. Our off tank was a Balance druid in tanking gear. We made it through to Midnight and got all the horses down. I double checked to make sure we had no respawns. Before we engaged Midnight we got our first trash mob BoP epic! I was hoping for Ritssyn's Lost Pendant, so that Omitchi would get an upgrade, but no... it was the Boots of Elusion! OMG! And I was the only tanking plate wearer in the group! The guild leader immediately gave them to me, so I ripped off my old boots ASAP and replaced them with my shiny new purple boots! :D Then we engaged Midnight. The fight was very smooth, IMO. We got him down first real try. Since I don't count our "first attempt" at Attumen, I say we got him down first shot! After we took him down, we checked the loot and got Handwraps of Flowing Thought for Omitchi the warlock and the Harbinger Bands for Meloni the Mage! Awesomesauce! And in a moment of "NURR!" after beating Attumen, I backed into the blacksmith area and aggroed 4 badguys. Go me. No one died (thankfully), but I pretty much screwed that one up.
After that, we called it a night for Karazhan. Then we did a Black Morass run to get Omitchi her last bit of rep towards Revered, netting her a Continuum Blade. Yay! Also got the kilt for Meloni from Temporus and the Legguards of the Righteous for me for tanking 5-mans. That puts me at 5/5 Righteous Armor! Woot!
Then to wrap up this totally awesome weekend, I managed to find an Eight of Furies up on the AH for relatively cheap (300g). That got me the full Furies deck, and now it's just a matter of waiting about 2 weeks until it's time for the Darkmoon Faire to show up, then it's super-trinket time! :D
Civilization VII meta progression
Scouts in Civ 7 have a new ability, search, which allows them to spend
their remaining movement points to see 1 space further, and detect goodie
huts in tw...
23 hours ago
I look forward to your commentary of your visit to the happy bovines in Mulgore.
I will be making the trip myself in 2 weeks.
If you haven't, roll a Tauren on a PVE server so you can get the lay of the land.
Since been readin gyour blog i thought about the feries card over the weekend at AH. They were 5 cards and a ace. all between 75g and 175g. I had no idea how much the cards were really worth.
So i passed. Next day i happened to check was up to 250-400g. Duhh! Makes me wonder did i miss a deal at 75-175g for 4 cards maybe. Cost you 300g so i guessing it might have been a steal to get.
Well be sure to let us know how the trinket works since you now have the card. Gratz on gettin it.
I look forward to your commentary of your visit to the happy bovines in Mulgore.
I will be making the trip myself in 2 weeks.
At first I was really confused in reading this. Mulgore? Bonvines? Huh? I hadn't really bothered to consider which of the two places the Darkmoon Faire was going to. I was just thinking that when time came I'd go to Elwynn Forest and if it wasn't there I'd go to "the Horde Faire place". It wasn't Mulgore, because I don't really think of it when I'm playing my Alliance characters. Just like I doubt the Hordies really think of Westfall much other than "The place where Deadmines is."
If you haven't, roll a Tauren on a PVE server so you can get the lay of the land.
At this point, I've played at least the intro to each race, and some up to the late 30s. If I do end up preferring my warrior to Alixander, I'll probably start to level up my Blood Elf paladin (Belendan) just to do all the quests on the Horde side, since I never did do them all. :)
So i passed. Next day i happened to check was up to 250-400g. Duhh! Makes me wonder did i miss a deal at 75-175g for 4 cards maybe. Cost you 300g so i guessing it might have been a steal to get.
300g isn't really a steal, but since the drop rate really is random, certain cards will be more rare on a server than others. For example many of the guys over on MainTankadin were saying they were having trouble with finding the 7 of Furies. Another said he had no problem with the 7 and the 8, but couldn't find one of the lower numbers. For my server, the 8s were just rare, and that was the lowest I'd seen it (and the first reasonable price).
Well be sure to let us know how the trinket works since you now have the card. Gratz on gettin it.
I will as soon as I get the trinket. ^^
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